Are you an alcoholic who needs help? It can be a difficult question to answer. Denial is a powerful obstacle to seeking treatment, but we can help you answer the question, “Do I need alcohol addiction treatment?” Seeking help for alcoholism is not something to be ashamed of; alcoholism is a destructive illness that can ruin lives and destroy relationships. Having the courage to confront alcoholism is no small feat. The most important thing is you get control of your life. There are many resources available to help you take those steps towards achieving recovery through alcohol addiction treatment.
Are You an Alcoholic?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has a self-evaluation that includes eleven questions. There are other resources and self-assessments as well, including CAGE – a four-question assessment, MAST, the Michigan Alcohol Screen test, and the World Health Organization’s AUDIT. These resources can be tremendously helpful in identifying whether your drinking goes beyond socially accepted norms. All of these assessments have some things in common, but they all are unique. Take more than one. Above all, the most important thing is that you are fully honest in filling them out and with yourself.
Do I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
You might feel like your drinking has gotten out-of-hand. Perhaps you took the assessments above, and the results were mixed. You are reluctant to go to a rehab center because you think it would be embarrassing, or you feel like you have a handle on the problem. First, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about having an illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness or failure; it’s a sign of strength. Second, if you are asking yourself questions like “do I need alcohol addiction treatment?”, you probably should see someone. Self-assessment questionnaires are a great tool, but speaking to someone and hearing their perspective can be very helpful – even essential. Thus, finding the substance abuse treatment programs in Austin TX right for you is essential.
Signs of Withdrawal
Alcoholism damages relationships, careers, and finances. It also can destroy your health and lead to major issues. If you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you should get help. Withdrawal is your body telling you that your drinking has become a problem. You need to listen to your body and take action before you damage it in a life-altering way. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:
- Anxiety – Do you feel anxious for no reason?
- Nerves/Shaky hands – Are you jumpy or on edge?
- Fever – The development of a fever that is not part of an illness
- Insomnia – Not being able to sleep without alcohol can be a sign of withdrawal
- Irritability – Are you overreacting to things? Are you moody and irrationally irritable
- Depression – Depression has a strong relation to alcoholism and withdrawal
If you suspect you might have a drinking problem and are experiencing some of the symptoms of withdrawal listed above, you should seriously consider seeking help. In addition, if you have taken a self-assessment that indicated Alcohol Use Disorder, that is a strong indication you need to seek treatment for addiction.
Finding the Help You Need Today
If you find yourself asking, do I need help from a Texas alcohol rehab center, don’t wait to seek help. Alcoholism is not something you need to face alone; a Texas residential addiction treatment program can provide the support you need.