The Importance of Alcohol Detox Near Raleigh, NC

When it comes to breaking an alcohol addiction, the importance of alcohol detox cannot be emphasized enough. It’s one of the most effective ways to start feeling better and healing faster. At the completion of detox and rehab treatment, you’ll be able to live a clean and sober life. It’s doesn’t have to be an…

Social Drinker vs. Functional Alcoholic

There’s a big difference between a person who drinks exclusively in social situations and someone who is a functional alcoholic. A so-called “functional” alcoholic is a confusing term as the implication is that this individual is doing well enough. In reality, they are not fulfilling their obligations or engaging in activities to the best of…

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

All people affected by alcohol addiction face a period of detoxification when they begin their recovery. Detox gives you the chance to clear any remaining alcohol from your system. It also prepares you to keep your recovery going once you pass through alcohol withdrawal. How long does alcohol detox take? That depends on your personal…

Functioning alcoholic man looking out a window

What Exactly Is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Drinking at social events is so normalized in our culture that we do not notice the signs of alcoholism until it is too late. “Functioning alcoholism” is a colloquial term often used to describe those who are secretly struggling with alcohol addiction, but outwardly appear to live normal, productive lives with an active social circle.…