The Importance of Alcohol Detox Near Raleigh, NC

When it comes to breaking an alcohol addiction, the importance of alcohol detox cannot be emphasized enough. It’s one of the most effective ways to start feeling better and healing faster. At the completion of detox and rehab treatment, you’ll be able to live a clean and sober life. It’s doesn’t have to be an…

Social Drinker vs. Functional Alcoholic

There’s a big difference between a person who drinks exclusively in social situations and someone who is a functional alcoholic. A so-called “functional” alcoholic is a confusing term as the implication is that this individual is doing well enough. In reality, they are not fulfilling their obligations or engaging in activities to the best of…

wine glasses

Is Alcohol Safe?

Alcohol is one of the most common and most accepted drugs, and its ubiquity can render alcoholism invisible. What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is the dependence on alcohol that poses problems in daily living and can lead to serious problems over time. The physical and physiological signs of alcohol abuse accumulate gradually and can be challenging…

The Reality of Alcohol Addiction (Infographic)

While alcohol is legal and readily available, it is still an addictive substance. Every day, alcohol addiction impacts individuals and families across the country. Alcohol creates serious physical and psychological dependencies, and withdrawal can be painful and even fatal in some cases. An alcohol addiction treatment program offers the highest levels of care, so each…

Teen Alcohol Abuse

As a parent, it’s challenging to know that your teen is struggling with alcohol abuse for many reasons. There’s a familiar narrative that kids will be kids and that they’re going to go out and have a good time. However, this saying isn’t always right, and some teens begin turning to alcohol as a way…